marți, 1 februarie 2011

Social indifference

I don't care what people think about me. Why should I? I like to think of myself as self dependent and that I will remain this way also after dying LOL. Caring about how others perceive us is stupid and doesn't help anyone, including the person who's opinion we care about. Social values suck and they are fake, almost automatic and subconscious, they change with time as well as people's opinions change, so why take them into consideration and live, feel, be according to them? Because we are also stupid and automatic and no better than the society we live in?

More then two people sex

Why is group sex unethical for most people? Is group sex more impure then 2 people sex? Based on what? More people, more germs? LOL But the germs could be in the same number disregarding the number of people, so is not such a valid argument . Then what? Why does it make some people not feel very comfortable with the idea? Why is couple the highest way of organization LOL  sex, emotions related? Isn't this an insincerity given the fact that most people cheat each other physically or emotionally anyway? What 2 people sex and emotional connection gives that the same type of relation in more then 2 people takes away?Feedbacks and opinions on this  topic are encouraged

Babaji: God, angel, perfected human being or mass hallucination?

If anyone would like to share with me one's personal opinion and experiences this question related i would be more then interested and happy to read them.

Random music

Most music is composed in a scientifically way, keeping in mind notes and measures, which for most people could be difficult to understand and use. I would enjoy a device that can allow one to compose music in a random, more easy way, based on feet or face movements for instance or on thoughts :) movement .